Sexual Health

We provide you with free condoms, lube and STI kits and support to attend sexual health services.

Support following Sexual Violence

We can support you to attend a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Clinic where you will be seen by specialist medical staff who can support your immediate needs.  The SARC can offer medical examinations for forensic evidence if a sexual assault has happened in the last 10 days. You won't be pressured to report to the police, you can have forensics collected and stored should you choose to report at a later date.

You can have a forensic examination even if you have already washed, although there will be more DNA evidence on your body if you are able to avoid washing until after the examination. 

Thinking about reporting?

If you are unsure about reporting we can talk through your options.  These could include reporting to the police; submitting anonymous intelligence to the police; submitting a National Ugly Mugs report. (See below)

If you choose to report to the Police we can support with:-

  • Attending the police station

  • Liaising with police on your behalf during the investigation

  • If your case does reach court, we can act as advocate and support you throughout this process

National Ugly Mugs

National Ugly Mugs (NUM) is the largest sex worker support organisation in the country, providing UK-wide victim support and crime prevention resources for people of all genders who work in sex industries. They provide safety tools and support to over 7500 members, over 6100 of whom are sex workers, and the others comprising practitioners, frontline support services and other venues, and are supported by a research and development team of 'experts by experience' to shape services in accordance with sex workers' needs.

Every sex worker who reports to NUM is provided with follow-up support from their case work team that includes Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) and other trained professionals who engage with sex workers to access the resources that they request for their healing and recovery from within and outside of the criminal justice system. Members also have access to NUM's email and number checking services, as well as receiving alerts regarding perpetrators in their area. Their ultimate aims are to provide quality support services and change the policies, practices and conditions to end violence against sex workers.

For more information about the work that NUM does, please click here.

If you are a sex worker or part of a sex worker support organisation, please click here to sign up for NUM membership.


As part of our holistic package of support we are able to refer you into specialist sexual violence counselling. Our trained counsellors listen with empathy and sensitivity. They don’t judge or give advice; their aim is to explore feelings and to support you in the decisions you make.


We understand that it may be difficult to visit us at our centre so we can provide drop in sessions at community venues. 

At these sessions we can provide condoms, STI kits, safety information, support etc. 

Please note that community outreach is on hold during the covid-19 crisis. We are hoping to start our outreach projects soon and will keep you updated. 

Please contact us to explore how we can support you. 

We're here, contact us today. 

We can offer a safe space to access advice, support or just to talk.

Contact us